Here are some basic Swedish phrases which you can use in everyday conversation, as well as some common words you will see on signs.
Tack | Thanks (can also have the sense of "please" when used at the end of a request) |
Tack så mycket | Thanks very much |
The following are some polite ways you can reply to someone who thanks you:
Var så god | You're welcome |
Det var så lite | Don't mention it (literally: that was so little) |
Ingen orsak | Not at all |
Saying hello and goodbye
Here are some different ways to greet people:
Hejsan | Hi (informal) |
hej or hej hej | Hello |
God dag | Hello (literally: "good day"; can be used any time from morning until around 5pm) |
God morgon | Good morning (used until around 11am) |
God förmiddag | Good morning (used from around 11am until noon) |
God middag | Good afternoon (used around noon) |
God eftermiddag | Good afternoon (used from noon until around 5pm) |
God kväll | Good evening (used from around 5pm) |
The following expressions, on the other hand, are some different things you can say when saying goodbye:
hej or hej hej | Bye |
Hejdå | Bye |
Adjö | Goodbye |
Godnatt | Goodnight |
Vi ses! | See you! |
Vi ses snart! | See you soon! |
Vi ses senare! | See you later! |
Ha en trevlig dag! | Have a nice day! |
Ha en bra dag! | Have a good day! |
Trevlig helg! | Have a good weekend! |
Getting someone's attention and apologising
Ursäkta mig | Excuse me (can be used to get someone's attention, to get past someone, or to apologise) |
ursäkta or Förlåt | Sorry |
If someone apologises to you, you can reply using one of the following expressions:
Inga problem | No problem |
Det är ok | It's OK |
Det gör inget or Ingen fara | Don't worry about it |
Making yourself understood
Talar du svenska? | Do you speak Swedish? |
Talar du engelska? | Do you speak English? |
Jag pratar inte svenska | I don't speak Swedish |
Jag pratar lite svenska | I speak a little Swedish |
Jag pratar väldigt lite svenska | I speak very little Swedish |
Var snäll och tala långsammare | Please speak more slowly |
Var snäll och skriv ner det | Please write it down |
Kan du vara snäll och upprepa det? | Could you please repeat that? |
Jag förstår | I understand |
Jag förstår inte | I don't understand |
Other basic phrases
Jag vet | I know |
Jag vet inte | I don't know |
Ursäkta mig, var är toaletten? | Excuse me, where's the toilet? |
Things you might see
Ingång | Entrance |
Utgång | Exit |
Nödutgång | Emergency exit |
Toalett | Toilets |
WC | WC |
Herrar | Gentlemen |
Damer | Ladies |
Ledig | Vacant |
Upptagen | Occupied |
Ur function | Out of order |
Rökning förbjuden | No smoking |
Privat | Private |
Ingen ingång | No entry |