Here are some Italian words related to the family, including the names of family members, words to describe marital status, and some words related to weddings.
Family members
padre | father |
madre | mother |
figlio | son |
figlia | daughter |
genitore | parent |
marito | husband |
moglie | wife |
fratello | brother |
sorella | sister |
zio | uncle |
zia | aunt |
cugino | cousin (male) |
cugina | cousin (female) |
nonna | grandmother |
nonno | grandfather |
nonni | grandparents |
nipote | grandchild |
ragazzo | boyfriend |
ragazza | girlfriend |
fidanzato | fiancé |
fidanzata | fiancée |
padrino | godfather |
madrina | godmother |
figlioccio | godson |
figlioccia | goddaughter |
patrigno | stepfather |
matrigna | stepmother |
figliastro | stepson |
figliastra | stepdaughter |
fratellastro | stepbrother |
sorellastra | stepsister |
The in-laws
suocera | mother-in-law |
suocero | father-in-law |
genero | son-in-law |
nuora | daughter-in-law |
cognata | sister-in-law |
cognato | brother-in-law |
Other words related to the family
parente | relation |
gemello | twin |
nascere | to be born |
morire | to die |
sposarsi | to get married |
divorziarsi | to get divorced |
adottare | to adopt |
adozione | adoption |
adottato | adopted |
figlio unico | only child |
genitore single | single parent |
madre single | single mother |
infante | infant |
bimbo | baby |
bambino piccolo | toddler |
Marital status
single | single |
fidanzato | engaged |
sposato | married |
separato | separated |
divorziato | divorced |
vedova | widow |
vedovo | widower |
sposa | bride |
sposo | bridegroom |
testimone | best man |
damigella d'onore | bridesmaid |
giorno delle nozze | wedding day |
fede nuziale | wedding ring |
torta nuziale | wedding cake |
abito da sposa | wedding dress |
luna di miele | honeymoon |
anniversario di matrimonio | wedding anniversary |