You might find these Estonian phrases helpful when talking about your health.
Describing symptoms
Milles asi? | What's the matter? |
Ma ei tunne end hästi | I'm not feeling well |
Ma ei tunne end väga hästi | I'm not feeling very well |
Ma tunnen end halvasti | I feel ill |
Ma lõikasin ennast | I've cut myself |
Mul on peavalu | I've got a headache |
Mul on lõhkuv peavalu | I've got a splitting headache |
Ma ei ole terve | I'm not well |
Mul on gripp | I've got flu |
Ma hakkan oksele | I'm going to be sick |
Ma oksendasin | I've been sick |
Mul on … valu | I've got a pain in my … |
kaelas | neck |
Mu … valutavad | My … are hurting |
jalad | feet |
põlved | knees |
Mu selg valutab | My back hurts |
Other useful phrases
Kas sul on …? | Have you got any …? |
valuvaigisteid | painkillers |
paratsetamooli | paracetamol |
aspiriini | aspirin |
plaastreid | plasters |
Kuidas sa end tunned? | How are you feeling? |
Kas sa tunned end hästi? | Are you feeling alright? |
Kas sa tunned end paremini? | Are you feeling any better? |
Ma loodan, et tunned end varsti paremini | I hope you feel better soon |
Saa ruttu terveks! | Get well soon! |
Ma pean arsti juurde minema | I need to see a doctor |
Ma arvan, et sa peaksid arsti juurde minema | I think you should go and see a doctor |
Kas sa tead head …? | Do you know a good …? |
arsti | doctor |
hambaarsti | dentist |
Kas sa tead, kus asub öö läbi avatud apteek? | Do you know where there's an all-night chemists? |