At the doctors

Should you need to visit the doctors during your stay, some of these phrases will be necessary.

At the reception

I'd like to see a doctor
do you have an appointment?
is it urgent?
I'd like to make an appointment to see Dr …
do you have any doctors who speak …?
do you have private medical insurance?
have you got a European Health Insurance card?
please take a seat
the doctor's ready to see you now

Discussing symptoms

how can I help you?
what's the problem?
what are your symptoms?
I've got a …
sore throat
I've been feeling sick
I've been having headaches
I'm very congested
my joints are aching
I've got diarrhoea
I'm constipated
I've got a lump
I've got a swollen …
I'm in a lot of pain
I've got a pain in my …
I think I've pulled a muscle in my leg
I'm …
I need …
another inhaler
some more insulin
I'm having difficulty breathing
I've got very little energy
I've been feeling very tired
I've been feeling depressed
I've been having difficulty sleeping
how long have you been feeling like this?
how have you been feeling generally?
is there any possibility you might be pregnant?
I think I might be pregnant
do you have any allergies?
I'm allergic to antibiotics
are you on any sort of medication?
I need a sick note

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